How do we assess? H levels, Routes for Learning and accreditation.
Prior to 2014 our students were assessed under P-Levles, these are now not compulsory and have been given the freedom to create our own assessment framework that is more appropriate to our students and focuses on the Outcomes for Adulthood post Rochford review and SEND Reforms.
We have created our own H-Level framework that assesses progress under 7 headings. This allows us to teach a curriculum that covers all the areas set out in the National Curriculum but assess small steps of progress in a way that is meaningful to our learners. We use an online package called Classroom Monitor to carry out assessment and create reports.
These levels have been created by our teachers and allow us to assess progress in the core skills (Numeracy, Literacy & Communication) and the functional skills that are at the centre of the Outcomes for Adulthood.
Life Skills
Physical & Health
Friendship & Community
Understanding the World
From September 2021 we will be introducing Routes for learning assessments for students in our classes for students with PMLD.
Routes for Learning is a pack of informational and assessment materials for teachers of pupils with PMLD.
The materials focus on
early communication,
social interaction and
cognitive skills that are crucial for all future learning.
This leads from very basic ‘notices stimuli’ to ‘contingency awareness’, and enables us to focus on areas such as
‘object permanence’,
‘early problem solving’,
‘expresses preference for items not present via symbolic means’
‘initiates actions to achieve desired result’,
It also looks at the relationship between the pupils and their environment
In Post 16 we also use additional accreditation in WJEC Personal Progress and Duke of Edinburgh.