Values & Ethos
As it says on the home page of this website “Heaton School is a special place”, its the kind of establishment that once you have either visited us, met the students and staff or worked here will leave a lasting impression.
We value every student as a unique individual with unique talents to share and develop.
We strive to create an environment where we are secure in the knowledge that we all have the same expectations of ourselves as we have for those that educate our loved ones.
We tailor support to enable each student to progress at a pace that suits the individual and our dynamic curriculum focuses on activities and topics which excite and engage our students. We prioritise health and wellbeing so that students are ready to learn. We prioritise self-esteem, independence, participation and celebrating every student’s individual journey and achievements!
We have a strong community and team ethos, school staff work collaboratively together and with partner agencies.
We encourage the same ethos in our students who have a strong sense belonging, both at school and in the local community.
At Heaton School we focus on The Four Outcomes for Adulthood (as outlined in the SEND Reforms 2014) which are:
- Health & Wellbeing
- Friendships & Community
- Occupation, Leisure & Employment
- Independent Living Skills
Children and young people with disabilities in particular need support and encouragement to achieve the above.
Heaton School aims to develop each individual holistically, focusing on the development of independence, social and communication skills, and holding high yet appropriate expectations of the whole school community.
In addition we strive to achieve the following:
- To make our school a place of learning and fun, where pupil’s lives are enriched and enhanced by active involvement in a stimulating, extended and creative curriculum.
- To prepare our pupils for adult life by developing their skills in communication and independence and by giving them opportunities to experience essential components of leisure and work.
- To provide pupils with opportunities to make and develop real friendships with their peers.
- To develop each pupil by providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum, within the context of the National Curriculum (11 – 16 year olds) and the Transitional Curriculum (14 – 19 year olds). This curriculum is needs-led, and support will be given to each individual to enable them to be fully engaged. The Communication Curriculum and Personal, Social and Health Education are fundamental to the work of the whole school. Opportunities are given to all pupils to achieve nationally recognised accreditation, and life-long learning is encouraged.
- To make the school an inclusive environment where self esteem and respect for others is fostered, where diversity and achievements are celebrated, and where there are equal opportunities for all. All members of the school community are valued, and high standards of behaviour are encouraged and expected.
The school aims for pupils to become good citizens, which involves them taking increasing responsibilities as they move through school. - To ensure the school is a centre of expertise and support for pupils and their families, and for other educational, social and community organisations.
- To foster and positively encourages links with the community which includes schools, industry, commerce, colleges, voluntary and community organisations.