Heaton School Charter
Heaton School takes pride in being a truly inclusive community where all its members are valued and treated equally.
This is our school charter.
- See me as a person, not as my disability
- Allow me dignity and respect; Don’t judge, mock, taunt or ignore me. Don’t shame or humiliate me. Allow me privacy
- Value me as a unique individual, acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses
- Use my name when you talk to me. Don’t talk about me as if I wasn’t there.
- Talk to me in a way I can understand, don’t talk at or about me
- Involve me in conversations. Give me time to answer or respond, even if it takes me a long time or if I am difficult to understand introduce visitors to me
- Don’t ask me a question when you are really giving me an instruction.
- Understand that I have a right to make choices, give me the opportunity to do so.
- Let me know what is going to happen, rather than it just happening to me.
- Treat my wheelchair as an extension of me. Don’t use it as a prop.
- Give me the opportunity to make my own mistakes, being aware of my vulnerability.
- Involve me in decisions. Encourage me to give my views or advocate for me.
- Fully involve my family in planning for my needs, and acknowledge them as the people who know me best.
- Don’t handle me roughly or allow others to do so
- Protect me from unkind actions, intended or otherwise, and help me cope with difficult situations.
- My behavior might challenge you sometimes, but don’t always expect this.
- Teach me about appropriate touch and personal space.
Support and encourage me to behave in a way that is appropriate for my age.