Class Dojo


As part of the ongoing development of Heaton School one of our focus areas is how we engage with and inform parents in regard to all aspects of school but primarily the daily activities in class.

Last year we ran a very successful trail with parents of 2 classes using the Class DoJo APP. Class DoJo ( creates closed groups where teachers can instantly send messages and photos of activities in class to allow parents greater access to the students learning experiences in school. There is also the possibility of messaging between class and parents that will be easier than writing in the diaries daily.

This APP does not share student information, as it’s a free APP there may be the occasional e-mail from their partners in an attempt to advertise but that should be the only contact except from us to say what’s happening in school, this was the case for parents in the trail who have given us great feedback and glowing reports on its use. We are therefore extending this to all classes in school.

Once the user agreement (below) has been signed

  • Class teacher will create groups and sending a simple password home to parents so they can join with access to messages sent re their son / daughter and their class.
  • Parents will need to download the free APP for their device at home.

We will send home details of how to do this.

Class Dojo is a series of pages that they name “Stories”, we intend to set up –

  • A School Story – to give information from school only.
  • Class stories – to send information to whole classes as closed groups.
  • Individual student Stories – Direct messages between class teachers and individual parents / carers

This is an optional initiative and I fully understand that some parents will not want to be involved, this is your choice.

Class Dojo will not replace existing processes for contacting school for pupil absences, holiday requests, information re school meals etc.

Files to Download

Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Andrew Ruddick | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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