At Heaton School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people. We strongly believe that all children have the right to feel safe and to be protected from physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect.
Schools have an important part to play in protecting children and young people and like every school staff have a duty to record, report and when needed act on any concerns.
At Heaton School, our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Jonathan Curtis (Headteacher)
Deputy DSL's- Andrew Ruddick & Jennifer Beresford.
Safeguarding Team- Jonathan Curtis, Andrew Ruddick, Jennifer Beresford, Ruth Martin & Mel Sill.
If you have any concerns about a child, please contact Jonathan at school in person, by phone on 0161 432 1931 or by email
If you have any concerns regarding child protection procedure, our Safeguarding governor is:
Cllr John Taylor.
In certain situations, the school liaises immediately with Social Services. If this happens, it is likely a Social Worker and not the school would contact the parents and carers. This is part of the LA’s child protection procedure and is not a matter for the discretion of individual Headteachers or members of staff. The same procedures are obligatory for all maintained schools.
Please refer to our Safeguarding Children Policy for further information in the policy section of this website. Or for further advice, please contact Stockport Safeguarding Unit on 0161 474 5657.
All our staff are kept up to date with any Safeguarding with regular training.