

Please click here to see our OFSTED reports


In our last Ofsted (May 2024) the key findings were:


  • Pupils are well cared for’ and ‘they enjoy positive working relationships with staff and are happy to attend every day
  • Pupils ‘behave well in lessons, at lunchtimes and when they move around school. They know who they can turn to if they have any worries or concerns.’ and ‘Overall, pupils display positive attitudes towards their learning.
  • Many pupils concentrate well in lessons. They remain focussed at times, even when they find the work challenging.
  • Pupils cooperate well with each other. They share equipment well. Pupils attend school often.
  • Pupils’ wider development is well considered. For example, they go on trips to museums, libraries and the local park.
  • Pupils are supported to take on extra responsibilities. For example, they are encouraged to join the school council or to organise events to raise money for charity.
  • The school has arranged key learning experiences for pupils around their personal safety. Pupils discussed how they keep themselves safe in different contexts and situations.
  • In the sixth form students are prepared successfully for adulthood. They learn about different employment opportunities, healthy relationships and independent living. This includes students reading recipes to plan a meal, learning how to budget when buying the ingredients and then visiting the local shop to purchase the ingredients.


Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Andrew Ruddick | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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