Heaton News

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 5:05pm

Welcome to our inaugural news blog! This will be used to report some of the great and wonderful activities and events that have been taking place throughout the school as well as communicating information.

Eid Celebrations enjoyed by all!! - Friday 7th May

To promote diversity amongst our school community we celebrated Eid last Friday as a school (at both our sites). Students took part in a variety of different activities to learn about, and celebrate the festival of Eid. Class parties were enjoyed by all!

As part of the day, students had the opportunity to experience a variety of food (very kindly donated by our friends at the Bay Leaf), enjoy listening to traditional music and also had the opportunity to experience henna tattoos.


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Maths Week - 25 - 29th May

Students enjoyed taking part in a number of different maths activities. This year the theme was 'The Very Hungry Catterpillar'. The maths focus was time and number. Students created their own storyboards or books of the story, including the numerals, days of the week, times of the day, and the dates. In P.E. students were challenged with an assault course, where they had large inflatable foods on the way! The fruits from the story were used to create lovely tasty treats in food tech and students enjoyed doing some printing and symmetry pictures in art.

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Kyle writes ...

At the end of a junk/ sculpture topic we thought there would be no place better to showcase a sculpture than Yorkshire sculpture park! We took our robot “Lenny L5 is alive” and “this field is rubbish” landscape picture and displayed it guerilla style! It was so good! Somebody even thought it was the real deal! 
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Date for your diary - Madchester Arts Week 23rd -27th May!!

Plans are afoot for students to experience the creative and performing arts in lots of creative and wonderful ways in our last week of term. This years theme is going to be Madchester. Students will use the arts to learn about Manchester whilst having lots of enjoyment along the way. Watch this space!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Jonathan Curtis | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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