Heaton news - WB 8th January

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:04pm

Firslty, happy new year to everyone! We hope and trust you had a great a great christmas break. 

At Heaton school music is a powerful tool that enables our students to learn skills in communication and social interaction whilst also learning to listen and respond to instruction whilst working as part of a group. This week students from SBC, 4KR, 3YC and 4SI have started their chinese new year music and movement project within their music lessons. 

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PTA update

The PTA are raising funds to gain charitable status by the end of the academic year. Thanks to the hard work from all involved, we are well on the way to achieving our £5,000 target. With the help of the student council it has been decided that this years PTA funds will go to revamp the memorial garden and we hope that improvements will commence this summer. We are always looking for more volunteers and the next meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd January 6-7pm at Beretto Lounge in Stockport - everyone is welcome! One of the items of discussion will be our Valentines disco. This years Valentines Disco will take place on Thursday 8th February 6-8pm.More details will follow but please put the date in your diary!


A message has gone out to all parents/carers outlining reviewed procedures in relation to snacks within school in light of the impact school providing snacks (in some cases is having on the school budget. If you have any concerns or issues in relation to this matter please speak to your allocated class teacher. 

We hope you have a great weekend!

Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Andrew Ruddick | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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