Heaton news - WB 5th Feb

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 4:52pm

Yet again - a busy week at Heaton school!

Today the school recognised Childrens mental health week through taking part in a number of different well being activities. At the start of the day classes spent 20 minutes in the fresh air (thankfully rain free) walking the perimeter of the KS3 and KS4 playgrounds. Throughout the day classes took part in meditation and yoga exercises, at at the end of the day assembly had a well being theme with music and dancing. 

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Wherever possible students are encouraged to learn about different cultural beliefs and backgrounds. This week students have been learning about Chinese new year through taking part in workshop within the drama room. Students were able to experience chinese music, dancing, food and traditions. Thanks to Nicola for making this happen and also a huge thanks to Rainbow 88 for donating some food! Safe to say the prawn crackers were a winner. For those families in our school community we say a huge Kung Hei Fat Choi!

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Also this week - a huge thanks to everyone in the PTA for our annual valentines disco. Details of other events will be sent out in due course.

Parent Governor - We are still on the search for a new Parent Governor. If you are interested / would like more information about this exciting role please speak to Jonno and /or send an email expressing your interest.

We hope you have a great half term break and we look forward to starting the second half of our spring term on Monday 19th February. 


Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Laura Harrison | School Business Manager
Jonathan Curtis | Headteacher

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