Heaton news - WB 30th October

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 11:42am

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. We hope and trust that everyone had a great half term break!

Wherever possible we aim to make learning applicable to the season and events going on. This week 4SI have been learning about poetry in their English sessions. Their topic has been seasons - great fun was had by all reading a sensory poem!

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Over the half term break our sensory drama room has had changes made to further improve this vauluable learning resource. An additional projector allows for greater immersive work to be done within lessons. Some students from the sensory department enjoyed continuing their underwater 'Abyss' topic using this resource in their drama lesson.

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Next week our cross school theme will be Diwali. Students will be learning all about the festival through accessing a wide variety of different activities throughout the week. We look forward to sharing pictures from this in next weeks blog

Parents evening - Wednesday 8th November, 2-6pm

Thanks to parents/carers who have already made their appointments using our automated booking system. There is still chance for you to make an appointment to discuss your child's progress if you haven't done so already.


As part of their work related learning, our older students are holding a book stall outside Morrisons Cheadle Heath on 28th November. Money raised will be going to the school fund. If you are able to visit us, it would be lovely to see you at our stall. Donations of books would also be gratefully appreciated. Please send any donations into school for the attention of Mel.

Dates for your diary

Anti Bullying day - This year students will be learning about how to be good friends and how to be kind to each other in Anti bullying week. We are asking students to come into school wearing odd socks on Monday 13th November.Odd socks day is a national intitiative to raise awareness of anti bullying throughout schools in the UK .

Children in need day - On Friday 17th November we will be coming together as a school community to raise money for Children in need. Students can come into school in Non Uniform and/or follow the PJ theme. We will be having a school bake off and disco durng the day.

PTA meeting - rearranged for Monday 6th November at 7pm - all welcome!

Have a great weekend!

Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Laura Harrison | School Business Manager
Jonathan Curtis | Headteacher

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