Heaton news - WB 20th Nov

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 4:48pm

At Heaton we encourage all our students to prepare for adulthood from entering the school in year 7. Some of our older students in 5CH have been doing a recycling project wihtin their Work based learning lesson. Students have been collecting and emptying the bins in and around school. The group have also been learning about recycling and ways to look after the world we live in.

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We are pleased to announce that we have recently started some partnership work with St Thomas Primary school. Year 9 students from 3YC are taking part in a School Linking Project with the support of the school link organisation. We are the first Special school/ mainstream school link in the northwest. As part of this project, Students are going to explore our schools ethos of enjoy, challenge, celebrate and achieve by discussing their ideas and asking each other questions, Creating thoughtful curriculum work to share – art, stories, letters etc with children from the school, and enjoy storytelling sessions. Over the course of the year,  students will take part in shared online lessons so we can see the exciting things that are happening  in class. The end result of the link will be a shared school trip at the end of the year. Our hope is that this project will inspire further collaboration in the future. Here is a picture of 3YC when the teacher from St Thomas visited the class for the first time. During this session the class compared their school uniform and were able to ask questions of the teacher....

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Inset day reminder - just as a reminder please note that school will be closed for an Inset training day on Monday 27th November. 

Parents evening - your feedback on the recent parents evening is really valuable to us. Thanks to everyone who has completed the survey. We will feedback the findings of the survey ine next weekly blog post.


The next PTA planning meeting will take place on Monday 27th November, 7.00pm at Beretto Lounge, Stockport. Everyone is welcome!

Date for your diaries:

Friday 15th December, 10.15am  - Christmas Performance of 'The Polar Express' - All parents/ Carers welcome. Refreshments will be served at the end. Always an ideal time to start getting in the festive spirit! 

Saturday 16th December, 4-8pm - Heaton School of light Festival

Wednesday 13th December - School Christmas Dinner

Have a great weekend everyone!



Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Laura Harrison | School Business Manager
Jonathan Curtis | Headteacher

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