Heaton news - WB 15th January

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 9:54pm

Despite the cold weather this week it has been great to see students and staff embracing the change in temperature and enjoying the snow. Forest schools groups enjoyed exploring and making marks and patterns in the snow whilst also warming around the fire pit! Other students just enjoyed the sensory aspect of the snow....

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You may have also seen our snowman who greeted our students as they arrived on Tuesday morning!


Depite the cold weather Angie's group were not deterred! This week they practiced their communication and lifeskills through getting on the public bus and visiting the library

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On Wednesday some of our students took part in a Boccia competition at Stockport School. This was organised by Stockport Shapes. Lots of fun was had by all and our students enjoyed engaging with students from other schools. students practiced their listening skills as well as demonstrating excellent behaviour. Ernie commented how super proud he was of our students.

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Learner Journey's

Last terms Learner journey's have been sent out on the EFL parent App this week. If you have any issues in accessing the App please get in touch via the school office. 

Dates for your diary:

PTA meeting - Tuesday 23rd January 6-7pm at Beretto Lounge in Stockport - everyone is welcome!

Valentines Disco - Thursday 8th February 6-8pm.

Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Andrew Ruddick | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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