Heaton news - WB 13th May
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 2:35pm
Firstly, a huge thankyou to those families that were affected by our class closure on Monday. This was very unexpected and we are grateful for your support at such short notice. Thanks to the site management team we were able to clear the water from the flooding and welcome students back on the Tuesday.
This week 3HC have been learning all about Spain in their Humanities sessions. They have been learning about the colours of the flag and learning about spanish culture through making castanets (ole!).
The summer term parents consultations are taking place on Wednesday 19th June 2-6pm. This will be an opportunity for parents/ carers to see examples of students work and to discuss this years progress and achievment. Details of how to book a time slot with teachers will be communicated out next week. In the meanwhile please keep this date in your diary.
Message from Mel...
A Parents coffee morning has been planned for 24th May at 10am. The focus is on "Tackling Behaviour". Amanda & Charlotte Hollinshead will be on hand for informal discussions regarding behaviours parents are struggling to manage at home. Resources will be available & we can personalise them to suit individual needs. All parents are welcome!
The PTA write...