Heaton News - WB 10th June

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 8:57pm

At Heaton School we aim to provide our students with wide opportunity to engage with children from other school communities. Forest school students from Key Stage 3 have been collaborating with students from Castle Hill High School to engage in outdoor related activities, practicing key life, communication and social skills. All students are enjoying this experience working in different forest school surroundings.

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Within Art this week students in 5CL have been busy exploring the concept of stop frame animation. Check out the fantastic attached video to see some of the students work!

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To mark the start of the Euros, each class has been nominated a European country to explore and learn about in their classes. We look forward to sharing some examples of this. Here are a few examples of activities that 3HC and 3HG have been taking part in...

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The Speech and Language team write....

At Heaton School many pupils use paper based and electronic communication systems to support their effective communication skills. This is called Augementative and Alternative Communication (AAC). It is recognised that effective AAC delivery is dependent upon joint working with AAC users, their family and those who support the user. Research around training communication partners have been shown to enhance the engagement of AAC users, that is why as well as delivering training to our teaching staff at Heaton School, The Speech and Language Therapy team are now offering onsite training to families who use paper based and electronic communication systems. This year they have offered bespoke training to support families of Communication Book users with positive feedback. The following sessions are coming up:

Communication Partner Training for Pro lo quo 2 - 20th June 2024
Communication Partner Training for TD Snap and Grid Software - 20th June 2024
Communication Partner Training for Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)”- 27th June 2024

Families of pupils using these specific systems have been provided with an invitation. These sessions aim to provide an over view of your child’s current communication system, support you to adapt and personalise your child’s communication system, give you ideas on how to model and support your child at home and provide opportunity to trouble shooting and problem solving. It is hoped you will be able to attend. If you have any questions please do not hesitate in getting in touch with the SALT team.

Parents consultations....

Thanks to those parents who have booked their slots for the parents evening on Wednesday 19th June. There is still time to book if you haven't done so already. This is an ideal opportunity to talk (and celebrate) the progress students have made, and their achievements throughout the year. Times are from 2pm and the last slot is 5.50pm.

Summer term dates for your diary...

17th-21st June - Maths week

Saturday 29th June - 2-4pm Heaton Mini Zoo. All families, carers and friends are welcome!

Monday 15th July - Leavers Prom - details will be sent out to parents about this event

Thursday 25th July, 1.30pm - Leavers Assembly

Heaton School
St James Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RE
01614321931 Andrew Ruddick | Headteacher
Laura Harrison | School Business Manager

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